Dec 23, 2022
Imagine starting your own recruitment agency with no recruiting experience and growing it to almost a million dollars in the first year.
Sounds unbelievable, right?
Yet that’s exactly what my special guest, Ben Cross, has accomplished in his first year in recruitment. In this interview, we break down exactly how...
Dec 15, 2022
If you’ve ever tried to grow a recruitment firm, you understand the crazy balancing act of being an effective billing manager. It’s extremely challenging to hire, train and manage a team while at the same time maintaining your personal production.
That’s why I’m especially excited to share this interview with...
Dec 9, 2022
In this episode, you will hear how Emily Rushton grew her recruitment agency from start-up to $1M in profit in its first year and is on track to reach $3M profit in its second year!
What’s her secret?
There’s a clue in her company’s name - the keyword here is “integrated.” Emily is the Founder and CEO of Hire...